US Mountain Ranger Association

Promoting fellowship & brotherhood among US Army Rangers
Gilmore Shelley

Gilmore Shelly was born August 22, 1946, in Natchez, Mississippi and entered the United States Army on July 22, 1964. Upon completion of Basic Training at Ft Benning, he completed Airborne School, Special Forces Intelligence Course, Ranger School, and was the Honor Graduate of the 101st Airborne Division Recondo School.

Gilmore served three tours in Vietnam and received the Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, Purple Heart, Bronze Star with three Oak Leaf Clusters (two for gallantry), and the Meritorious Service Medal.

Gilmore was assigned to Camp Frank D. Merrill as a Ranger Instructor and was also a member of the Camp Merrill Sport Parachute Club. Gilmore died in 1974 while stationed at Camp Merrill.

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