Posted: 12/31/1969 Name: horkan3 Message: Does anyone here have a phone number for 3rd Ranger Bn.'s S-5 shop? I've tried looking on the net but haven't found one. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can be reached via my personal e-mail address: Thanks in advance. |
Posted: 12/31/1969 Name: Michael M. Keohane Message: Thanks for remembering. This ole coot's knee is at about 95% right now. I still can't do any longwalking but I will be able to attend the Ranger Muster next week. Doctors have me on blood thinner until December so no adult beverages or green leafy vegetables. Darn, never thought that I would miss lettuce & spinach so much. Depending on family plans, I may be doing a "recon" in October or November. If so, I will drop bythe monthly meeting. RLTW |
Posted: 12/31/1969 Name: Mark Jordan, S1 Message: ...these Rangers are requested to be at Ross Hall's house on Jay Bridge Rd for a special presentation either Saturday or Sunday coming up at 1pm... ...Steve Hawk, Doug Perry, Bob Suchke, Al Parten and Steve Pullen if he can be found...others interested, let me know... ...we'll go with Saturday and use Sunday for a contingency... ...I need to coordinate with Sharon, so please get back to me asap at 770 366 4838 or ...Rangers, it's time to gather... ...Mark |
Posted: 12/31/1969 Name: Mike Keohane Message: Al Parten : I will be cooking some shrimp gumbo with rice to supplement the brats. Come early and watch me cook. I expect to start cookin a bit after one to have everything ready before five. |
Posted: 12/31/1969 Name: John Moore Message: Rangers, I have been elected to the Nevada State Assembly. If there is ANYTHING I can ever do for my fellow Rangers please do not hesitate to let me know. |