US Mountain Ranger Association

Promoting fellowship & brotherhood among US Army Rangers

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Posted: 12/31/1969

Name: Willard Langdon

Message: Thanks, Jim, for those precious memories. Of course we all lived in the same trailer park. Sorry I left you out; it's been a tough week. For me, with Joyce's passing, a little light has gone out in this world. Again, thank you so much.

Posted: 12/31/1969

Name: Laura Armstrong

Message: To Our Customers: The Camp Merrill PX FTX hours for the month of May 2018 are as follows: Saturday 05 May 18 0800-1300 FTX: 21-25 & 29-31 May 2018 0700-1500 Holiday: Memorial Day 28 May 18 Closed

Posted: 12/31/1969


Message: what is going on with Doug we are pretty much out of the loop so let us know!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 12/31/1969

Name: Bill Miller

Message: Hey Ross, I will give Mike a call and see if he has any left. There is the first edition and then the second edition with color photos. He may have one or the other or both. It was good to see you at the reunion and I enjoyed your book.

Posted: 12/31/1969

Name: Joe Mattison

Message: Just a reminder. The US Army Ranger Association Convention is fast approaching. It's going to be a Lake George, NY and it includes tours of Rogers Island, Ft Ticonderoga, and a Battle Field in Vermont as well as a Dinner Cruise and the usual get togethers, annual banquet and of course, "whiskey drinking" for those who are so inclined. You don't have to be a member of the Association to participate. It's open to all Rangers. You can get more information by going on line and reading about it on the coverage page of the website for: US Army Ranger Association. This one is a very affordable convention with special hotel rates and lots of "freebies"... Hope to see you there..Jan and I will make it there on Wednesday, and stay through early Saturday morning's back to work. Take care, Joe

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