US Mountain Ranger Association

Promoting fellowship & brotherhood among US Army Rangers

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Posted: 12/31/1969

Name: Bob Suchke

Message: I saw Heinz at the Post Office today and told him that he was on the most wanted list. His phone number is: (678) 316-6679

Posted: 12/31/1969

Name: Al Parten

Message: Rangers, just got msg from Phil Rosso that Ranger Tom Brock passed yesterday, he's now in the hands of the Big Ranger in the Sky. RIP

Posted: 12/31/1969

Name: amie close

Message: Rest In Peace Ross Hall !

Posted: 12/31/1969

Name: Scott Carter

Message: What is the process of nominating somebody for the Ranger Hall of Fame? I'd like to see Bob Gallagher receive the honor posthumously.

Posted: 12/31/1969

Name: Ron rice

Message: I have not heard from anyone there reference Col Palmer. This man was a decorated combat Ranger. A former Capt at MRC. So, I take it none of you would like to honor him from this so called brotherhood assoc. I will notify his wife and family of your total disregard of this matter. Thank you very much. Willard Langdon I hope you are not a part of this decision. I was a former member of MRC when it had professionals representing it.I know this is and association and I am glad I am not a part of it. Have a nice day.

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