Posted: 12/31/1969 Name: Jim Regan Message: Chuck Windham; Ranger Bob sent pic of Col. Yon to Johnson, @ Patrolling Magazine, for the Tale. Looks as if we got 'er done. Take care, stay cool & dry. Jim RLTW/L&P :) |
Posted: 12/31/1969 Name: Steve Hawk Message: Rangers This Saturday is the Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. This year it will take place behind the NCO Club at the Camp. Unfortunately I have to be with the Color Guard for JROTC at State Meet. The grand Prize baskets are at the camp along with all the food. I will take the rest of the prizes there on Thursday. I will have the Cadets fill the eggs with candy today and tommorrow and have then Thursday at the club. I know Al will be there, so I hope some of you can help. Be there at 0830 to hide eggs and prepare to cook the food. I have hamburgers, hotdogs, chips and drinks at the club. Charcoal and lighter fluid also. Dan, can you get plates, napkins,spoons, forks etc, cheese, tomatos, onions and lettuce on friday or Saturday morning. PeeWee can you move your grill behind the club before Saturday? Guys, I'm sorry I can't be there but we just got word on Color Guard Meet. First time I will miss the egg hunt. Also I got the throw and they left out the climber and Ranger Instructor off of the emlem on the throw. They advised that the image did not come in clear when they got the picture. I have resubmitted. Steve |
Posted: 12/31/1969 Name: Ross Hall Message: Joe, Mike may still have a few on his shelf. We could get you in touch. They're great. I used them as reference for The Ranger Book, plus interviews with Mike and Doug Perry and MG Scholes, and I have Willard Langdon's great Khe Sahn story, but Mike is the authority, without doubt. All I do is collect stories. There is just not that much out there about the BDQ, unless you were one of them. It is such an elite group, there weren't that many of them. Perhaps another book by Mike with a bunch of interviews? A definitive volume. He needs something to do now that Bill has the reins. Too much talent and knowledge to sit idle. Bill, why don't you holler at him? |
Posted: 12/31/1969 Name: Brian Cunningham Message: Ross: Just got back to town and learned of your loss. I pray that the Holy Spirit comfort you and your family at this time of sadness. |
Posted: 12/31/1969 Name: Joe Mattison Message: Hi Jimmy, Wellllll, it's actually 8 points with two small spikes, so I guess it's 8 or 10 depending on how you count them. It's not a Boone and Crocket record, but it sure looks real good on the Dinner plate. I like it prepared as "chopped steak" for dinner, and I like the "bulk sausage" made up as SOS poured over grits and eggs for breakfast. I used my trusty Marlin Lever Action .444 with the new Leveready ammo that came out of couple of years ago. It extended the range from a solid 150 yards to 300 yards, dead on. When you hit a deer with that big a bullet, they don't even know that they were killed. It just about knocks the rack off from em. I scope in just behind the the shoulder....takes everything out and drops em flat. They don't even give that tell tale "grunt"....just lays em out like Bambi on the ice pond. How are you doing anyway? |