US Mountain Ranger Association

Promoting fellowship & brotherhood among US Army Rangers

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Posted: 02/01/2025

Name: Bob Williams

Message: The next USMRA meeting will be held on Thursday, February 6, at 1900 in the Overhang on Camp Merrill. We will begin planning for the Critter Cookout that will be conducted on Friday, April 25, at Camp Merrill.

Posted: 01/30/2025

Name: J.D. Kirby

Message: Rest in peace. A great man and a special Ranger. Able to communicate and teach even someone as hardheaded as me.

Posted: 01/30/2025

Name: Brian Cunninham

Message: I visited with Willard earlier today. A great soldier, Ranger, and Christian man, now at rest in the Lord...

Posted: 01/30/2025

Name: Kevin Kesler

Message: Willard Langdon has just passed. He went peacefully without struggle. Thanks for the amazing support we have received from the Ranger community.

Posted: 01/29/2025

Name: Bob Suchke

Message: Our thoughts and prayers are with Ranger Willard Langdon and his family. Ranger Langdon was a Military Mountaineering Instructor when I went through Ranger School in 1969. Later it was my honor and pleasure to serve with him at MRC. He later taught my son in grade school as a Substitute teacher when the primary one was ill. He has served as the USMRA Chaplain for many years.


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